Diplomacy behind the bottle.




We import great wines. Our principals do the travel for you, discovering individually-owned wineries in different countries. We don’t just stop by for a few tastings and order cases of product to be shipped to a warehouse.
We build relationships with each vintner, so that over time we can truly know the people producing the grapes and bottling the wine.



Founders Michael and Ben sell and buy wine. Why? Because we love wine and so do you. We explore the world meeting new people and meeting people we’ve known for a long time. The vintners we work with create wines that reflect the individual traits and tastes of the surrounding community. When you open a bottle, you are opening a door to their world.



Our brand symbol, the dragon, symbolizes the pride and fire we have for our work. We persist until our quest for a great quality has been satisfied. Our customers can always count on Bottle Diplomacy for unmeasured value, distinct offerings and exceptional quality.